Commemoration of Deniz Gezmis and his friends
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 The leaders of the People`s Liberation Army of Turkey ( THKO ) Deniz Gezmis, Hüseyin İnan and Yusuf Aslan, who were executed on May 6, 1972 by the military junta of March 12, 1971, were commemorated in mass events in many cities of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan.
Ten thousands joined the commemoration organized by different mass organisations, such as the Associoation of the people of `78, the Association of Solidarity with the people of `68, the Socialist Platform of the Oppressed ( ESP ), the Socialist Youth Association ( SGD ), the parties EMEP , DTP , SDP , ÖDP, TKP, Halkevleri , the trade unions DISK and KESK and PSKAD, an association of the Alevites, at the cemetery Karsiyaka, Ankara
 The mass gathered together at the entrance of the cemetery and marched to the graves shouting the slogans "We promised Deniz and his friends to realize the revolution", "The revolutionary martyrs are immortal", "Long live the brotherhood of the people" and "Long live revolutionary solidarity". The commemoration started with a minute`s silence for Deniz and his friends and for all revolutionary martyrs.
Lawyer Halit Celenk, who was defender of the trial of Deniz charged with execution and eye witness of the execution said in a speech: "For 35 years, I have been coming here on every May 6. In the first years, there were few supporters of Deniz. But now, I am happy to splace. This means nothing else than socialism will win." He also stressed that "As long as there is imperialism, there will always be people like Deniz and his friends."
 In the common statement of the organisations, a call was made for the united struggle against the putschists.
After the commemoration, the graves of Mahir Cayan and Ulas Bardakci, revolutionary leaders of the same period, were visited again with a minute`s silence.
The commemoration in Istanbul toopk place on Beyazit Square with the participation of 500 people. A banner was opened saying "Deniz, Yusuf, Hüseyin are alive in our struggle". It was said that the mentality of March 12 that killed Deniz and his friends is still existing, proved by examples such as the practice on Mayday in Istanbul resembling a state of emergency, the concept of new attacks on the Kurdish people and that everything is tried to hide the truth on the counterguerilla`s attacks.
 Nearly 300 people joined the commemoration realized by different progressive and revolutionary organizations in Malatya and opened a common banner saying "Deniz and his friends are alive". The members of SGD hold posters on which it said "Deniz, Yusuf, Hüseyin are alive in our struggle", "Long live Marxism Leninizm, long live the brotherhodd of the Turkish and Kurdish people - Deniz Gezmis".
Deniz Gezmis and his friends were also commemorated with different events in Izmir, Usak and Antep.