The state caught red-handed at the murder of Hrant Dink
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The discussion continue after the murder of Hrant Dink. The slogan "All we are Armenians", which was shouted in the funeral that turned into an anti-fascist demonstration of hundred thousands, is being made the pretext of the provocation attempts of racist and fascist organisations and of the great reaction of state forces. Meanwhile, the discussions grow about the photograph which was taken while Ogun Samast, one of the murderers of Hrant Dink, was under the custody of the gendarmerie. In this photograph, Ogun Samast is shown under a Turkish flag with another flag in his hands and is presented as a "national hero". This was considered by the public opinion as a compliment for the murder.
It has been understood that this photograph was taken not by coincidence but deliberately by the gendarmerie forces at the police station in Samsun auto bus station. The videos which clearly prove this fact was shown by TGRT TV on 1 February.
General Command of the Gendarmerie did not make any explanation on this fact, while it stated that the photo was not taken in the gendarmerie station but in the Police station and blamed the police for having communicated the video secretly to the media. The General Staff warned the press and the media that "they should be more sensible against deliberate intents of discrediting the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK)". They also stated in a press conference that they have cancelled the accreditation of TGRT TV. Resignations in the TGRT TV followed this statement.
On the other hand, there begins new discussions everyday about the identity of the murderers. The details of the videos which were taken by the security cameras in the place where Dink was murdered are confiscated by Istanbul Police Forces and they are not open to the public opinion.
Meanwhile, the fascist affiliated to the Association for National Struggle was preparing for a march under the slogan "All we are Turks!" as a respond to the slogans "All we are Armenians!" and "Long live the fraternity of the peoples!" which were shouted by hundred thousands in the funeral of Dink. This march took place on 4 February in Taksim/Istanbul. With the participation of only 150 people at the march, it remained as a weak and unsuccessful attempt of provocation. The slogans in the march reflected the enmity towards the Kurdish and Armenian peoples.