Call for united revolutionary struggle
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The European Committee of our party MLCP, the Overseas Bureau of TKP/ML (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist Leninist), the Overseas Executive Committee of MKP /Maoist Communist Party), the Overseas Organization of TKIP (Communist Workers’ Party of Turkey), the Overseas Committee of TIKB (Union of Revolutionary Communists of Turkey) and the Front for Rights and Freedoms have made a common declaration on 22 November making the call: “Let’s increase the united revolutionary struggle against the imperialist aggression and fascist state terror!”.

In the statement, it was expressed that “imperialism has increased its attacks in the name of neoliberal re-construction; that the imperialist forces reduce the democratic rights and freedoms of the workers and labourers, which were achieved by heavy costs and destroy the social rights at home; that they try to make the resisting peoples surrender, by their fascist terror laws which they have put in force one by one after the 11th September attacks and through wars, occupation, repression and blockades; and that they want to consolidate their domination in all fields by liquidating the revolutionary and communist parties and organizations”. They also mentioned the international operations against PCE(r), (n)PCI and DHKP-C and gave examples from the state terror based on the new Anti-terror law in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, from the isolation in the F-type prisons and  the Death fasts against this and the state’s attacks against revolutionary organizations and Kurdish National Movement.

The statement ends with the following words:

“We, the undersigned organizations see it as our task to act in common against all the counterrevolutionary attacks and to organize the united revolutionary struggle. We will increase the united struggle against the “Anti-terror” Laws in Europe and against the Anti-terror Law (TMY) and fascist attacks in Turkey. We consider the attack against MLCP and the revolutionary and democratic associations as attacks conducted to all of us. We express that we are in revolutionary solidarity against these attacks.

We support the campaign “We want Freedom, Freedom for 10th September Prisoners” which was started in order to defend the revolutionary and democratic organizations against the state’s terror and to increase the solidarity with the imprisoned socialist journalists, trade unionists, writers, labouring women and young people. We call on all the progressive and revolutionary forces to support this campaign and show solidarity”.