A new achievement of Limter-Is
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The dockyard workers' union Limter-Is , which was raided by the police in September and its General President and General Secretary were imprisoned, has succeeded a new achievement. 65 members of Limter-Is who work for the CTSA company in Dearsan dockyard, started a resistance on 21 October with the objective of forcing the bosses to pay their salaries which had not been paid for one and a half month. The bosses stepped back within the first few hours of the resistance and paid the salaries. So, the workers ended their resistance. This event showed once more that organized struggle and to be organized in class-based trade unions will bring the victory. Limter-Is, which has lead many resistances and strikes in the Tuzla dockyard, has become a symbol of class-based revolutionary trade-union line, by these actions and activities.