More workers sacked from Evita Textile
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On 25 September, the Evita Textile workers, who are sacked from their work because of being members of Textile-Sen Union, have protested the sackings and Evita bosses' aggressive attitude towards the union members by organising a press meeting in front of the factory.
In the press statement it was said that, since last week, 71 workers who are members of the Textile-Sen have been sacked from their works with different reasons, the Evita boss swears and threatens the workers and the workers are watched through CCTVs.
It was noted that the workers who want to be member of the union are being sacked from their works under various pretexts, although membership of the workers to the union is a constitutional right. They stated "As if these are not enough, the workers are being taken into custody, their resistance tents are being demolished and unionists are imprisoned". They expressed that they will wait in front of the factory until the end of working-time.
The workers and Textile-Sen members, who opened placards writing "Our union rights cannot be prevented" and "No to the sackings and disunionisation", shout the following slogans: "We are workers, we are right, we are strong with the Textile-Sen", "Workers, Unite! End the Exploitation" and "One day, the workers will bring the boss to the justice".