International Solidarity against the TMY Terror
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The anger and reaction against the fascist dictatorship's state-terror in the framework of TMY (Anti-terror Law) against our party and revolutionaries of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan is also being spread out on the international arena.
North Star Compass from Canada and the International Friendship and Solidarity with the Soviet People faxed the resolution of the Mini-Conference that they have organised on 22-23-24 September. In the resolution they have recalled the resistance of Turkish and Kurdish peoples against the Turkish state's sending of troops to Iraq three years ago, and added that the Turkish state is now giving support under the name of so-called Peace Force to the USA-Israel aggression with the Lebanon decree that has been passed through the parliament.
They have condemned the detentions and imprisonments against the progressive journalists, writers, radio workers and unionists in the context of TMY, the raids towards the youth and women associations, the imprisonment of the people who are against the sending of troops to Lebanon, the banning of the socialist newspapers and the extra-judicial killings; and said that the TMY itself is a terrorist law.
NSC, which stressed that it is in solidarity with the just struggle of the Turkish and Kurdish peoples, also said that, as an expression of this solidarity, they started the conference and celebration activity, organised because of the 15th anniversary of the North Star Compass, by playing the "International" in Turkish.
On the other hand, various organisations from Argentine such as the Argentine Human Rights League, the Argentine Research and Defence (Fidela), Argentine Just Action (CAJ), Association for Defence of Freedom and Rights (Liberpueblo), Argentine Disappearances Association, EATIP and Silver have demanded the release of revolutionaries, those who have been imprisoned on 12 September, by writing a protest letter to the Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan.
The Organisation of International Red Help (Socorro Rojo Internacional) have also protested the recent raids and detentions which happened after the imprisonment of 23 revolutionaries, and said that they are in the effort to organise a delegation, involving lawyers, which will go to Turkey to show solidarity to the revolutionaries of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan.
By sending a message to our party, the Rote Oktober (Red October) in Germany and Marxist Leninist Communist Group from Morocco have also said that they are in solidarity with our party in their messages.