Support for Atilim Grows
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 The support grows for the Atilim Newspaper, whose two editors were imprisoned on 12 September, later received two weeks of banning penalty and lastly, on 21 September, its central office and all other branches in many cities were raided and its workers were taken under custody by the police.
Intellectuals, writers and journalists are also in solidarity with it. In this context, Haluk Gerger announced that he is going to work for the Atilim newspaper for a day on 26 September, starting as 11am.
Ragip Zarakolu (International PEN, Turkey representative and journalist-writer), Oral Calislar (journalist), Varlik Ozmenek (journalist-writer), Erol Onderoglu (DSF-Turkey correspondent of Reporters Without Borders), Celal Baslangic (journalist), Ercan Ipekci (General President of Journalists Union of Turkey), Filiz Kocali (General President of SDP ), Haci Orman (President of the Executive Committee of BEKSAV ), Mukaddes Erdogdu Celik (writer), Mehmet Gunes (writer), Hacay Yilmaz (writer), Hasan Kiyafet (writer) and Fatih Polat (Chief Editor of Evrensel Newspaper) will increase the solidarity by writing articles to the next issue of the newspaper.
In order to bring in vain the conspiracies and the TMY attacks, Atilim newspaper act under the slogan: "everywhere, more Atilim". It also calls on its readers to defend more the paper. In this framework, they are organising sale of the paper on the streets in various cities together with other revolutionary and democratic organisations. The street sales have been turned into street actions against the TMY (Anti-terror Law) attacks, under the slogan "You are not strong enough to defeat us".
On the other hand, many revolutionary, democratic and patriotic organisations have defended Atilim through supporting messages and visits to the paper's offices.