Greetings to the Party from Gazi
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 The celebrations on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the foundation of our Party MLCP have started in the workers´ districts.
The militants of the MLCP have celebrated the 12th anniversary of the foundation of our Party at the barricades and by that responded at the same time to the recent attacks and raids of state terror in the worker's districts of Istanbul by freeing the streets of Gazi .
The militants gathered in Dortyol and threw Molotov cocktails against a police vehicle. The police, who attacked the militants with tanks and tear gas, was fought back several times during the conflict lasting for approximately two hours.
The militants of the MLCP continued their march on the street by setting up barricades and shouting slogans like: "long live MLCP for the victory of revolution!", "Gazi will be the grave of fascism!", "The plan to send troops to Lebanon won't come through the parliament!", and "Workers, to the Party, to the MLCP!".
The demonstration culminated with singing of revolutionary hymns, shouting of slogans of the Party and the "oath of revolution" on the barricades near to the bus-stop Bahar.