Arrestment attacks by the Fascist dictatorship
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Before September 1, the International Day of Peace, the KKK`s call for armistice was answered by the fascist dictatorship by punishing the leader of PKK A. Ocalan with a penalty of twenty days in an isolation cell. Therefore, the fascist dictatorship continues to oppose the Kurdish people's requests for freedom and peace with its denial and destruction policy.
11 patriots of DTP (Democratic Society Party), who started a hunger strike in order to protest against Ocalan`s punishment of arrestment in an isolation cell, were arrested and imprisoned on August 31. The DTP chairmen of the districts Gebze and Darica were arrested as they allowed to hang up banners on their buildings concerning September 1, the International Day of Peace.
Sirri Sakik, vice-chairman of DTP, organised a press release in which he described that arrestments, attacks and lynching attempts towards his party have increased because of activities for September 1, the International Day of Peace.
He condemned the arrestments and lynching attempts and demanded the release of those having been arrested, the dismissal of those lauding lynching attempts and those being responsible for that and as well an end to the discrimination and oppression towards his party and the Kurdish people.
Besides the students who wanted to be lynched by masses after protesting against the occupation by Israel in Istanbul and Izmir, hundreds of people wanted to lynch two Kurds in the district Bozkir of Konya.
In Gebze, the fascists opened fire on the 16-year-old Zeynel Abidin Karakaya because of him "being a Kurd" and hurt him with 12 bullets.
At the same time, the operations of the colonialist army are continuing in Northern Kurdistan. The press communication centre of the HPG (Peoples Defense Forces) announced that especially in Amed/Dicle and Sirnak heavy conflicts took place.
At the attacks the HPG carried out on September 1st and 2nd in Sirnak, Hakkari and Van seven soldiers died. The press communication centre of the HPG announced that the attacks have been carried out as a warning for the state against the isolation-cell-penalty against Ocalan.
In the conflicts on guerilla fighter of the HPG fell, Kenan Cam.