Fevzi Abik died
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 On 12 August Fevzi Abik, who was among some young boys distributing leaflets about the anniversary of the armed struggle of PKK and being shot by the police, was wounded in his head. After four days of coma, he died on 16 August.
Whilst the police, who, with the introduction of the new Anti-terror law, has now the right to kill, do not admit the killing through police guns, the voices raised against the extra-judicial killing of Fevzi Abik are answered by state terror.
In Adana the Human Rights Association ( IHD ), the trade union KESK , the Socialist Platform of the Oppressed ( ESP ) and other democratic mass organizations, legal parties and revolutionary circles organized a protest against this massacre. After having read the statement, which was written in the name of all participants and who demanded the withdrawal of the Anti-terror law and the punishment of the police responsible for the killing of Fevzi Abik, the Secretary of IHD`s Adana branch was arrested, too.
On 17 August the Free Socialist Women (JAS) sent solidarity cards to the female prisoners and protested against the killing of Fevzi Abik by demanding the withdrawal of the Anti-terror law in their statement. The police surrounded the participants of this action and asked for proof of identity.
More then 1000 people took place at the funeral of Fevzi Abik in Adana.

The militants of MLCP hang a banner with a bomb with the slogan "Comrade Fevzi Abik is inmortal-MLCP" in Kurdish on 19 August in the morning right in the place that Fevzi Abik was shot by the police in Adana.