After WSF in Nairobi...
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7th World Social Forum was held in Africa, in Nairobi, Capital of Kenya.
The problems of Africa have stamped the agenda of WSF this year; the forum witnessed the search of the African peoples and labourers for a "new world" and the deep destruction of the imperialist capitalist system in Africa.
This year, the meeting of the WSF, which is an area of organisation of the deep reaction of the wide masses against imperialist globalisation in a reformist-pasifist content ad form, has been carried out with a participation below the espectations.
Espeacilly for the last few years, WSF has been the scene of different internal discussions because of the reasons such as its reformist-pasifist leadership and the antidemocratic manner of functioning and of the searhes for alternative forums by different alternative forces that have contradictions with the reformist and pasifist forces in this or that manner. This year, the internal discussion were weak and beside this, the participation, interest or the external pressure of the revolutionary and communist forces was quite low.
This picture was completed with the reality of a "Black Africa" that was surrounded by the missionary NGOs and the "aids" of the "white man" for many years and the orientation of organising on the base of its own power and its own struggle around its own problems was restrained by the existence of these "missionaries", and where poverty, hunger and has been prowling around.
As a result, WSF 2007 was stamped by reformism and pasifism without having difficulties and more clearly than the last few years; the orientation of "unsharpening or restraining the destructive consecuences" of the imperialist globalisation had its clearest expression in the approach to the problems of Africa; and the organisations except for the NGOs, let away the political organisations of the working class and the labourers, even the democratic and economic mass organisations showed a low participation.
Another considerable point was the weakness of the forum nearly at the level of silence about the occupation in Somali which continues just next to the border of Kenya.
What the "white man" adviced to Africa through WSF was that the "welfare state", which was possible in the imperialist centres for a period only on the basis of the violent explotation of this continent and other regions, corresponds with the "another world", that the "most wretched" of the world , the Africans should trust the pasifist forces in the big cities of imperialism, that the "White Man" would immediately help Africa with his funds and aids, and that it was not that necessary for Africa to develop a struggle on the basis of its own power.
On the other hand, we have to emphasize that this situation of WSF is closely related with the special characteristics of the continent, because WSF is an area where every single line acting against the imperialist gloabalisation, reformist-pasifist forces at first, the revolutionaries, anti-imperialist forces and etc. have a reflection in. So, the situation of the political forces in the country or region where the forum takes place, the dominant lines in the movement in these regions have and will continue to have big effects in the discussions about the content and the functioning of the forum. An example of this was the fact that the anti-imperialist posture of the Cuban and Venezuelan peoples caused a strong anti-imperialist atmosphere in the forum in Venezuela last year and the discussions on socialism among the continent was also carried to the froum area. This situation which was observed in 2006 was not an expression of a permanent orientation. Likewise, despite that this year the forum raised in its purest form on the basis of the Charter of Principles of Porto Alegre, far away from internal and external pressure because of the reasons such as the low degree of capitalist development in Africa and the extreme weakness of the anti-imperialist, revolutionary and progressive forces; this does not mean that the forum will not be the scene of har internal dicussions in the coming years.
As long as the search of the working class and the labourers for "another world" against imperialist globalisation continues, the differentiation of the forces who lead the movement will develop and the World Social Forums will continue to be the areas where these discussions also have reflects.
Our Party MLCP approaches to the event of World Social forum with the perspective of carrying the idea that "another world" could be nothing but socialism, to the masses who search for another world and it has taken its place actively in the WSF Nairobi with this perspective.





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After WSF in Nairobi...
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7th World Social Forum was held in Africa, in Nairobi, Capital of Kenya.
The problems of Africa have stamped the agenda of WSF this year; the forum witnessed the search of the African peoples and labourers for a "new world" and the deep destruction of the imperialist capitalist system in Africa.
This year, the meeting of the WSF, which is an area of organisation of the deep reaction of the wide masses against imperialist globalisation in a reformist-pasifist content ad form, has been carried out with a participation below the espectations.
Espeacilly for the last few years, WSF has been the scene of different internal discussions because of the reasons such as its reformist-pasifist leadership and the antidemocratic manner of functioning and of the searhes for alternative forums by different alternative forces that have contradictions with the reformist and pasifist forces in this or that manner. This year, the internal discussion were weak and beside this, the participation, interest or the external pressure of the revolutionary and communist forces was quite low.
This picture was completed with the reality of a "Black Africa" that was surrounded by the missionary NGOs and the "aids" of the "white man" for many years and the orientation of organising on the base of its own power and its own struggle around its own problems was restrained by the existence of these "missionaries", and where poverty, hunger and has been prowling around.
As a result, WSF 2007 was stamped by reformism and pasifism without having difficulties and more clearly than the last few years; the orientation of "unsharpening or restraining the destructive consecuences" of the imperialist globalisation had its clearest expression in the approach to the problems of Africa; and the organisations except for the NGOs, let away the political organisations of the working class and the labourers, even the democratic and economic mass organisations showed a low participation.
Another considerable point was the weakness of the forum nearly at the level of silence about the occupation in Somali which continues just next to the border of Kenya.
What the "white man" adviced to Africa through WSF was that the "welfare state", which was possible in the imperialist centres for a period only on the basis of the violent explotation of this continent and other regions, corresponds with the "another world", that the "most wretched" of the world , the Africans should trust the pasifist forces in the big cities of imperialism, that the "White Man" would immediately help Africa with his funds and aids, and that it was not that necessary for Africa to develop a struggle on the basis of its own power.
On the other hand, we have to emphasize that this situation of WSF is closely related with the special characteristics of the continent, because WSF is an area where every single line acting against the imperialist gloabalisation, reformist-pasifist forces at first, the revolutionaries, anti-imperialist forces and etc. have a reflection in. So, the situation of the political forces in the country or region where the forum takes place, the dominant lines in the movement in these regions have and will continue to have big effects in the discussions about the content and the functioning of the forum. An example of this was the fact that the anti-imperialist posture of the Cuban and Venezuelan peoples caused a strong anti-imperialist atmosphere in the forum in Venezuela last year and the discussions on socialism among the continent was also carried to the froum area. This situation which was observed in 2006 was not an expression of a permanent orientation. Likewise, despite that this year the forum raised in its purest form on the basis of the Charter of Principles of Porto Alegre, far away from internal and external pressure because of the reasons such as the low degree of capitalist development in Africa and the extreme weakness of the anti-imperialist, revolutionary and progressive forces; this does not mean that the forum will not be the scene of har internal dicussions in the coming years.
As long as the search of the working class and the labourers for "another world" against imperialist globalisation continues, the differentiation of the forces who lead the movement will develop and the World Social Forums will continue to be the areas where these discussions also have reflects.
Our Party MLCP approaches to the event of World Social forum with the perspective of carrying the idea that "another world" could be nothing but socialism, to the masses who search for another world and it has taken its place actively in the WSF Nairobi with this perspective.