Missile Action of Baran Serhat Detachment
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The Baran Serhat detachment organized an action against the invaders in memory of Sarya Özgür, a MLKP fighter who immortalized during the Kobane resistance on 12 December 2014.

The Katyusha missile has hit two occupant points.

A fighter explained during the preparation "Today is December 12, 2019. We are on the Tell Temir front. As the Baran Serhat detachment we are preparing to destroy a position in front of us, which the gangs use as an headquarter. As the students of martyr Sarya, we commemorate our comrade with this action. Her memory will enlighten our struggle. We resisted here in Tell Temir, in Serekaniye. We are resisting against the invading Turkish state and its gangs. We will continue the war, that shall be known. We will fight until the end, as comrade Sarya said, we are ready to die for it."

Click Image to watch the missile action.