Bomb Attack By FESK in Adana
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The Armed Forces of the Poor and Oppressed (FESK), have declared its responsibility for the attack against the police in Adana.

On September 25, in the Yüreğir district, an explosive device was detonated next to a riot police bus intended to bring the security forces to duty. The armored bus was severely damaged by the explosion and five people were injured, according to various media reports.

FESK declared that the attack against the police of the fascist Palace regime was a response to the "systematic State terror against the oppressed, the poor and the working class".

FESK said they carried out the attack "to avenge the comrades and revolutionaries who fell in the fight for freedom, and as part of the resistance against the trustee attack".

The FESK pointed out that the Turkish regime was afraid of even the smallest of democratic rights and freedoms; "Meetings, rallies, protests and demonstrations, artistic and cultural events, and even press briefings are attacked by the police of the fascist Palace and banned by governors who serve as the aide of the fascist Chef. In view of this, it is inevitable and imperative for the oppressed and the poor to defend themselves by military means against the fascist regime. For nowhere in the world has there been any success against fascism without political and military resistance. Because fascism means a regime based on terror and lies."

The organization vowed that they would continue to fulfill their revolutionary duties they had undertaken as urban guerrilla in the struggle against fascism and colonialism.

The Armed Forces of the Poor and Oppressed called on workers, women and youth to join the ranks of FESK and consolidate the revolution.