The 1st Conference Of The MLKP Rojava Was Successfully Held In Line With The Perspectives Of Our 6th Congress
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The Rojava Revolution, where thousands of female and male fighters were immortalized and tens of thousands of them were injured, has reached a new stage after the political-islamist fascist ISIS gangs supported by the colonial state of Turkey got defeated. While Afrin, Jarablus, al-Bab and Azez is still under the occupation of the colonial Turkish Republic and its collaborators, occupation threats of the TR and the Assad regime, which is pursuing the dream of the colonial hegemony of the past, continue.{divide}

The US and Russian imperialists use the aggressiveness of both colonial regimes as a blackmail to subjugate the leadership and peoples of the revolution. It is the common aim of the colonialist states and the imperialists to undermine and empty the revolutionary democratic content of the Rojava Revolution for their own interests. Defending our revolution with a revolutionary people's war and liberating our occupied lands continue to be our primary duty.

Under these exact conditions, to embrace the political, economic, social and cultural construction of our revolution in all respects is the only guarantee of keeping the revolution alive. Developing democratic popular power and advancing on the path of socialism is our second primary task. In this direction, operating the system of communes and popular assemblies from the bottom up, developing collective people's property against the capitalist property relations in the fields of agriculture, trade and industry, attributing the revolution more to the dispossessed and the poor, introducing the women's revolution into the houses, reviving cultural life, organizing the destructive energy of the youth as the founding revolutionary energy are among the main tasks of the communists.

The Marxist-Leninist Communists took their places in the Rojava war positions and the construction of the revolution, with the onset of the revolution. They gave dozens of martyrs and wounded for this cause. Colonialists and imperialists want to break the will of our party, which is the communist consciousness and direction of our revolution, and to demolish the bridge it built with the revolution and between other parts of Kurdistan, Turkey and the world through the revolution. Massacring vilely Baran Serhat, our party's representative in Rojava, shows the level of fear from our party's presence in the Rojava Revolution.

Under these circumstances, with the participation of our party's Rojava forces;

A conference was held with the agenda of political situation; political, economic, social and military situation of Middle East, Rojava, North and East Syria Revolution; women's freedom front; questions of youth in its relationship with the revolution; the program and aim of development of Rojava - North and East Syria revolution and its progress towards socialism as well as the cadre and organizational questions of this program and aim. The goal of a United Kurdistan and the Democratic Federation of the Middle East was once again remarked.

Rich debates were made on all these aforementioned issues, decisions were made and the political and organizational aspects of the coming period were drawn. Decisions have been made that we should establish ourselves at the new level as appropriate cadres to the duties that our revolution imposes on socialist patriots. It is underscored that in spite of all valuable efforts, the steps taken in the direction of Kurdistanization are still insufficient and that we have to reach a higher speed, as well as that Rojava is not a foreign land but homeland. Patriots, communists and all other revolutionaries, who were on indefinite hunger strike and death fast resistance against the isolation imposed on the Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan and all revolutionary prisoners, were saluted. It was strongly emphasized that Efrin will absolutely be liberated.

Our conference, at the same time, was a direct frontal response to those who tried to break our will by assassinating our comrade Baran Serhat and to break down the bridges we built. Our conference has shown once again that by attributing to Comrade Baran, their effort to break our will will never be enough and that our party is a seedbed of Baran Serhats also in Rojava as everywhere.

We will defend the Rojava revolution at all costs, we will develop our democratic revolution and progress on the path towards socialism, we will spread the revolution to all Syria and the Middle East, unite it with the revolution of Kurdistan and Turkey.