Second Middle East Youth Conference To Be Held In Kobanê
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After the 1st Middle East Youth Conference, which took place in Amed in 2015, the second Conference will take place in Northern Syria, the city of Kobanê.

The Kurdish Youth Coordination to prepare the Conference is made up of Kurdish, Arab, Syriac, Armenian, Turkish and Turkmen representatives from Democratic Syrian Youth Assembly, Komalên Ciwanan, Democratic Conservative Party, Rojava Youth Union, Young Women's Union, MLKP, SYPG, Arab National Coalition, Arab Youth Movement.

The conference will be held on 20 February in Kobanê with the slogan "Towards a Democratic and Multicolored Middle East with Youth".

It is expected that a large number of youth organizations from the Middle East will participate.

The conference aims at the recognition of movements, organizations and revolutionary figures in the Middle East, as well as at discussing the Middle East crisis and possible solutions and the establishment of a common mechanism.

In the long term, the conference aims at creating a spirit of democratic and socialist common struggle in the Middle East, to raise the democratic people's struggle against the crisis and to create a perspective of revolution and uprising against the ruling forces.