Turkish Economy in Trouble
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Today, Turkish Lira continued losing value. 1 US dollar becomes 5.19 Turkish Lira while 1 Euro becomes almost 6 Turkish Lira. The structural crisis of the Turkish economy starts to take action more everyday.

Because its economy is dependent on imports and foreign debt ratio is high, Turkey, implementing the financial-economic program of the imperialism during the last 15 years, has become one of the countries where the crisis of capitalism is most harshly felt. Sovereigns tried to get out of this crisis by taking advantage of the friction between the imperialist blocs.
Turkey's "presence" in the Middle East was the most appropriate trump for this. But that was not enough either. Turkey tried reactionary interventions to the "independence" of the Central Bank, which meant that the Central Bank must act according to the interests of the oligarchy of the financial capital in order to protect its own block of capital.
At this point where not recognizing the embargoes, intending to buy the S-400s from Russia, going against the institutions of the global capital, Turkey has suffered the wrath of the US and still is. Capital exodus from Turkey can not be stopped. So does this mean that Turkey is giving an anti-imperialist struggle? Of course not.
What is happening is the struggle to gain position and to prove some strength in the imperialist exploitation order. Those who design the whole system according to the international monopoly and the oligarchy of financial capital can not be anti-imperialist without anti-capitalism. There is no such intention anyway.
There can be no deduction from this struggle for the working class. There has been nothing but debt, job murder, insecurity, unemployment and disorganization from the 15-year happy marriage of the global and local sovereigns. Today, there is no good for us to take one of the sides in their fight.