Only 6 days Prison for Each Mine Workers!
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The Turkish court announced the ruling for the case of Soma Massacre, where 301 mine workers were killed in Soma district of Manis in 2014. The court decision was supposed to be announced on the 9th of July, however, it was delayed by the court due to a judge's illness. Lawyers and the families of the workers have been in "watch for justice" outside the court hall for 2 days.


The court sentenced Can Gürkan, the owner of the company, to 15 years whereas the mine's general manager, Ramazan Dogru, received a sentence of 22 years. Akin Celik, the mine's operations director, received 18 and a half years and Ismail Adali, was given 22 and a half years. The ex CEO of the Soma Coal Mining Comapany, Alp Gürkan who were saying "I am the real boss of the company"was acquitted.


However, according to the law on execution sentences, those murderers who have been sentenced between 15-22 years, will finish their punsihment and get free after 6 years. In other words, for each life of the mine workers, they will stay only 6 days in prison.