New song for the martyrs of Afrin
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The music group Berbanga Rojava has released a new clip in memory of the fallen of Afrin. In a statement, they proclaimed the following:

"As MLCP fighters resisting the fascist Turkish state of occupation and the gangs of the palace, we want to commemorate the fallen of the Great Afrin Resistance with our song. Afrin's resistance will continue until the fascist Turkish occupation state removes Afrin. From Serekaniye to Afrin, we took our place in all the defense of the Rojava Revolution, we were ready to make sacrifices. We sing our resistance songs for Tirej Alişer, Özgür Avaroni, Zeynel Seyit Rıza, Şahin Hüseyni, Avesta Xabur and Barin Kobanê, who fell in this fight. In this song, we declare that all people shoulder to shoulder have to end the occupation of Afrin and increase the resistance. We will fight the fascist occupation together with the people of Afrin until the end."