MLKP Members Defend the Self-governance Resistances at the Court
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MLKP Members Defend the Self-governance Resistances at the Court

 After the fascist Turkish state started to move for a total war process against the Kurdish liberation movement in 2015, the Kurdish people manifested their self-governance in many Northern Kurdistan cities and towns. Along with the mass curfews declared on those cities such as Şırnak, Diyarbakır, Silopi, Cizre, Nusaybin, the Turkish state mobilized all its military power, tens of thousands of soldiers and special forces including tanks and air forces in order to break the self-governance will of the peoples. While some of the civilian population stayed in their neighborhoods even under the most severe conditions and exposed to massacres, hundreds of Kurdish youth on the other hand joined to the defense resistance led by the civilian self-defense units (YPS). Nusaybin was one of the symbol towns of that heroic resistance, in which the MLKP warriors also took part and fought for months against the fascist Turkish state colonialism.

Here we present the statements of 2 MLKP fighters, Ismail Yılmaz and Süleyman Göksel Yerdut, on the Nusaybin self-governance case which was opened against 51 people after the town has been destroyed by the Turkish city. {divide}

Ismail Yilmaz:

"I am a member and a cadre of the Marxist Leninist Communist Party (MLKP) and this is an honor for me, I am proud of it. As it is included in our party's programme, we recognize the right of self-determination of nations. Just as of the Kurdish people, we recognize this right for all peoples living in our country. And we follow our party MLKP's perspective of conducting this struggle with the Kurdish people together.
The Kurdish people has been exposed to massive attacks and now, these attacks continue with the Afrin occupation. I condemn this occupation. We firmly believe that sooner or later, the oppressed peoples of Syria and of many other countries around the world will achieve to govern themselves. That is just a historical necessity.
Not so long ago, ISIS was Turkey's collaborator, let loose to attack Kurds and oppressed peoples, but after a while, it became a trouble for the peoples of Turkey. The same will happen with those gangs so-called the Free Syrian Army (FSA). The ones [the Turkish state] cooperating with the FSA today will very soon see how they'll become a trouble for the peoples of Turkey. But it will be the peoples who will suffer from the burden of this dirty cooperation.
Self-governance, yes, it may seem that nothing has been gained for today, but we know that the Paris Commune that lasted for only 70 days had become a great light for the Soviets in 1917. The Soviet Revolution took place with the light of the Paris Commune. Every people's demand for the self-governance is legitimate. It might seem to be inconclusive for today, but it will definitely shed light on the upcoming great revolutions.
Throughout this process of the State of Emergency (OHAL), they are trying to build a fascist, racist and sexist order. Today, the peoples of Turkey, workers, laborers and the poor are all subjected to a massive oppression. (...) The judiciary in Turkey has never been independent and actually it is impossible to be. It is class-bounded. We have seen how it is class-bounded in the verdict of the Torunlar Construction Company case [where 10 construction workers was killed by a workplace murder]. The court acted class-oriented and preferred to ignore that massacre. We also see this truth in the case of the murderers of the 301 miners in Soma. There is no justice for the workers and for the poor peoples to come out from these courts. Nobody should have such an expectation.
Kurds and Alevis are under a huge suppression. Women keep on being murdered each day. In this atmosphere, no one can make us believe that this country is governed with a democratic fashion, or the courts are just and independent. Everything is so clear; the peoples of Turkey, the poor, the workers, nobody believes it. Each day, the president of this country insults people; he keeps on insulting women, Alevis or Kurds. (...) There is no difference between the Hitler's Germany and today's Turkey. If there is something to be tried here, it is nothing other than this system itself. But is there any court to do this? No, this is not possible. But it will be done by the workers of this country; the laborers and the oppressed will try this system.
Our party MLKP is present in the Rojava revolution as well. Rojava will prevail. No one will manage Rojava to be surrendered. The occupants will go away and the peoples of those lands will stay. As Mrs. Naciye, the representative of the TKP (the Communist Party of Turkey) said in the Soviet Women's Congress in 1920's: "It is true that we are walking on a dark path, or standing on a sharp cliff. But we are not afraid. Everyone has to go through the darkness in order to see the sunrise." Yes, we are going through that darkness now. But definitely, we will definitely see that sun."

Süleyman Göksel Yerdut :

"Under the state of emergency, through the statutory decrees, a despotic rule has started to be built by abolishing all democratic rights and freedoms, as well as seizing the constitutional rights. We are experiencing every sort of violations of human rights. But even under these conditions, we will keep on our struggle for a gender-free, equal, just and free world.
This country is not unfamiliar to the reality of military coups. Those murderer generals, who had been highly praised by the state for their special roles in Turkey's dirty war against Kurdistan, made a coup attempt on the 15th of July, 2016. And this coup attempt was used as an excuse to dismiss the constitution and abolish the legislative, executive and judiciary power in order to build a one-man dictatorship with nationalist, fascist ideological arguments. This dictatorship is the continuation of a tradition that we are historically familiar to. Beginning from the Bab-ı Ali case in 1913, the same coup mechanic, which has been perpetuated through endless conspiracies and murders till now, is triggered again with a brandnew form for today with the dark face of AKP . All of those coups (either the one at 1925, which eliminated various communities and peoples from different beliefs and shaped the republic with the narrow-minded national chauvisim, or others started with the 60', 71' and 80' coups and became systematized after being re-designed in 2008) reveal that this same mechanic works for nothing other than an internal liquidation within the state; they are all involved in a struggle to capture the state power. And for those dirty sakes, ancient peoples of this country, peoples from various beliefs, identities and cultures were exposed to massacres and vanished. Majority of them were exiled, those who stayed have been imposed the assimilation policies. Today, we are witnessing the same situation.
The palace junta has been raving about the slogan of "democracy" right after it prevented the 15th of July coup attempt. And by persecuting peoples with the State of Emergency, it has showed its understanding of democracy. This civil coup of the AKP was not intended to prevent possible military coup attempts, but in fact it was for suppressing every opposite voices against it. Now the bill of these dirty politics appears as suppression, cruelty and exploitation on our oppressed peoples. There is no toleration for any sort of opposition. Any kind of criticism is enough to be marked as a "traitor" or "terrorist". But we will not hush. We will grow our struggle and keep on standing loyal to the memories of the martyrs of revolution, those symbols of the great humanity.


