Thousands of women in Afrin on the streets against the occupation
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The AKP regime has launched a war of aggression against Afrin, terrifying the population, which should be followed by a mass escape. But Afrin's population continues to resist. On February 13, thousands of women organized a demonstration against the occupation in Afrin under the call of Kongre Star.
The co-chair of the North Syrian Democratic Federation Hediye Yusif, the co-chair of the TEV-DEM Council Asya Abdullah, the co-chair of the autonomous leadership of Afrin Hevi Mustafa, and representatives of the PYD participated in the demonstration.
At the demonstration, which began in Newroz Square, the women wore pictures of YPJ fighter Avesta Xabur, who became immortal during an action of sacrifice.
The demonstration was an expression of the determination and will of women, after the defeat of IS, to defend their freedom also against the colonizers. It was stressed that the Rojava Revolution is a women's revolution that has created a new culture of resistance.