The International Freedom Battalion calls for the defence of Afrin
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The fighters of the International Freedom Battalion take part in the defence of Afrin. Battalion commander Yalçın Akın calls the oppressed of the world to the fronts of Afrin:
"We as the International Freedom Battalion defended the Rojava Revolution in the lunges of Qamışlo, Hol and Rakka. Today we are in Afrin. The attack on Afrin is a general declaration of war against the Rojava revolution. Before the attacks were led by DAIŞ against the Rojava revolution, now the Turkish state leads an open dirty war. Defending Afrin today means defending the revolution. Defending Afrin means defending the freedom struggle of humanity. Afrin is not just a part of Rojava. It is also a gateway of the world to freedom. It's defence is a sweeping response to all attacks against the peoples that AKP fascism has perpetrated in the Middle East until this day. The fascist Turkish state and its fascist Erdoğan regime knows no rules in the war. The AKP is trying to stabilize fascism in Turkey and in Bakur. They see Afrin as one step to this aim. But Afrin is the common will of all oppressed. The struggle of the people against fascism will prevail. Afrin becomes the revelation of that.{divide}

For 20 days the people of Afrin are being bombed. The AKP is cheating the Turkish people. There is only one debacle. Despite dozens of bombs and buses, they have not been able to move forward. They suffered hundreds of losses. They are trying to collect the Salafist gangs, who used to fight within DAİŞ or as their allies, and send them into their dirty war. The whole world of AKP is built on lies and manipulation. It is the historical tradition of the fascist Turkish state to announce fake victories and create fake worlds. The reality is that the Turkish state will crash.
No technology, no plane, no bomb has prevented the fight of the oppressed until today and that will remain like this. Anyone who has a consciousness of history knows that. The struggle of the people against fascism has not started today. For years, this fight continues. No technology is stronger than the human, human will, human morale and human self-defense. Sooner or later, the fascist AKP state will see that and bear the consequences. The fire over Afrin not only hits Afrin. Tomorrow it will reach Ankara. It has the potential to become a wave against the AKP regime that demands accountability. The AKP regime is progressing towards its end with each attack. Afrin is preparing the moment to accelerate this end. In the revolutionary struggle Stalingrad, Kobane and Vietnam do not end. There will always be a people's will everywhere, which will cause great resistance as long as there is an organized force of the oppressed people. Any kind of action that exposes the AKP regime and its fascist face is legitimate from today. We expect a big movement. The Turkish people should not sacrifice their young people to the banks of the AKP regime and its gangs, who do everything for more money. If the Turkish people will be honorable people, they have to stand side by the side with the oppressed Kurdish people. Otherwise, they will write a dirty history like the Germans who supported the Nazis. The Turkish people and the Turkish youth shouldn't participate in this war. Their gun barrels have to be directed against the real enemy, their gun barrels have to be directed against the AKP regime. "