Pregnant children covered by the government
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AKP /Palace dictatorship takes the child marriages under protection by practically covering them even though it couldn't pass the law of it. In a hospital in Istanbul, in 5 months, 115 children under the age of 18 came to the hospital as pregnant. However, none of them is reported to the authorities. The incident came out after an employee reported. The employee who unveil this savage has been banished to another city.


After the scndal came out the governor of Istanbul did not let an investigation open against the doctors behind it. Lawyers opened a lawsuit against this decision and stated that it is an obligation in the law to report child abuse incidents.


Like in the process of illegitimating the abortion, AKP/Palace power couldn't overcome the reaction from the public and instead banned the abortions de-facto in the hospitals. And now the childhood marriages are legitimizing rape. And women's riot all over the country is spreading nowadays on these issues.